Global Outreach Fund |
The 'Global Outreach Fund' is God-directed, and you and I know very well that the key to lasting and effective relationship with the Lord is "hearing" from Him and "obeying" or "doing" what He commands or directs. With this Fund we are indeed endeavoring to follow His direction.
Men like Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Daniel, David, Elisha in the Old Testament and Paul, Peter, Philip and above all, the Lord Jesus in the New Testament had first to hear from God and then proceed to act unreservedly upon what they were told to do.
Jesus affirms this in John 4:34 and emphasizes the dependency on the Father for His earthly ministry in John 5:19-20.
In the year 1979, the Lord spoke into my spirit through His Spirit very vividly that through me He would call and feed many people from the nations of the earth. 1979 seems a long way back, however, remember that your God and my God is a God of Purpose, Plan, Design and Objectivity. He has set a time and a place to fulfill His purposes in our lives. He never does anything before time neither does He do anything after its appointed time. He always moves and acts at precisely the right moment.
Many people, including you, I believe, are aware of my ministry and its functions. Perhaps you, your wife or husband, son or daughter, relative or friend may have at one time been blessed through my ministry. Maybe you or some of your dear ones are yet to receive blessing from the Lord through the ministry.
I know that you delight in seeing people freed from disease and sickness, sin, bondage of all kinds and forms, sorrow, pain, anguish, marital tension or breakdown, poverty, failure, depression, drugs and drug-related problems, alcohol and alcohol-related problems, occultic, demonic and witchcraft related problems.
Many, by God's grace and power have benefited from the work He has given me and many continue to benefit everyday.
My personal joy comes when I see people being freed and blessed by the Lord and I am fully committed to yielding myself and making myself available to Him to bring about Salvation, Joy, Peace and fulfillment into people's lives.
'2016 is the year that the Lord Himself has marked out on His diary for me to commence the global ministration of His Word of Life: to take His healing, deliverance and anointing to the nations and their peoples.
Some of the Nations to go to are: Ghana, Uganda, Sudan, Mozambique, Jamaica, Trinidad, Tobago, South Africa, Barbados, India, Singapore, Malaysia and Continental USA. Many people will hear of and experience His love in their own lives.
"But how can God's people hear about His love without a preacher, and how can the preacher preach except he is sent?" Romans 10:14, 15
G.O.F. is set up solely to finance the propagation of the Gospel to the world.
Matthew 28:19-20
God is asking me to reach out to the poor, the suffering, the lost and the dying in a hopeless, selfish and careless world with His message of hope and direction. Somebody must care and where there is care, there is hope and victory.
'Care is the true ingredient of 'Love'. Both 'Love' and 'Care' are action words. God cared and so sent His only begotten Son into our world to be the offering for your sins and my sins. God acted on love and the results were and are wonderful and remarkable. Anyone who accepts His
offering for sin receives salvation from sin and its associated consequences: freedom from sin's ugly and deadly ravages.
I love and I care and so I must act without delay. Without hesitation, No procrastination. Time is very short. The work must be done. God has directed and I must obey, not counting my own life dear to me.
Would you also show your love and care? Yes! I know you would. Can God depend on you to send me out to the nations? Can you set aside some money to support this God -directed venture? I can appreciate the fact that money these days is hard to come by but also remember that God depends on our availability to get the work done Isaiah 6:8. He has also promised to help us make ends meet if we will consider His Kingdom our highest priority and support it financially, as His Spirit will impress upon our hearts.
Please consider the following faithful words of the Lord, the "Ancient of Days." "He that has pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he has given will He repay him again" Proverbs 19:17. "Give and it shall be given unto you..." Luke 6:38; "For God loves a cheerful giver" 2 Cor. 9:7
Prayerfully consider how much you can afford to give, yet in order to receive your blessing form the Lord, Be unreservedly obedient to the prompting and leading of the Holy Spirit.
You can give from as little as $50.00 to as much as $10,000.00. Give cheerfully, since the giving of our money is one of the ways by which we are able to prove our true love and gratitude to our Savior and Master. True Love debars us from holding back our treasures from those we love. "Whenever we sow our best seed, it eliminates our greatest need. But when we keep our seed, we keep our need."
Recently, as I waited on God in prayer and, fasting, He told me clearly that He could solve human problems if only He could have the right people to use. People who would obey Him totally; People who would develop true love and care for humanity; people who would say, here I am Lord, do as you please with my life. Make me a blessing to someone I know or I do not know.
I am grateful to you in advance for your support. Please rush to me your prayer requests so I can present them to the Lord on your behalf. "He will even deliver the one (for whom you intercede) who is not innocent; yes, He will be delivered through the cleanness of your hands" Job 22:30 amplified
Please make all checks and money orders payable to "V.I.M. - G.O.F." Send your donation to: Bishop W. Peter Morgan P.O. Box 470047 Los Angeles, CA 90047.
You can also click here to DONATE ONLINE.
Thank you and May God richly bless you,
Your partner in the Lord's work,
Bishop W. Peter Morgan
Founder and President